AbbyMora Femei tinere - 25 ani
Nume de familie AbbyMora
Categorie Femei tinere
Vârstă 25 ani
Culoarea părului Negru
Lungimea părului Lung
Culoarea ochilor Negri
Înalţime 165 cm - 65 in
Greutate 58 kg - 128 lbs
Măsuri 75-67-85 cm - 30-26-33 in
Mărimea sânilor Sâni mici
Preferinţe sexuale bisexual
Sex Femeie
Părţile intime Ras
Constituţie Medie
Ce ma excită Intelligent submissive men, who know how to adore a dominant woman. Wet cocks, strapons, chastity, foot fences and all open minded individuals.
Ce nu mă excită that you are rude and that you do not obey me
Poziţie preferată all
Etnie Latină
Limbi vorbite  Engleză,  Spaniolă
Fantezii I like submissive men who make me feel powerful with my orders, who like to do some follies and share their deepest wishes

Chat în direct și sexy cu AbbyMora

Eww… what the fuck is this? There’s no way I’m reading that for you… [laughs] I don’t even… Wow. That’s just really fucking weird. I can’t believe someone would like that. I've recorded some fucked up shit here but... Ugh.. you must be really sick. Only a filthy, disgusting pervert would like that. That must be what you are. Hear that? You’re disgusting! You will *never* find a girl who’s into that. I bet you’re getting off to this. Being humiliated by me. Are you beating off right now? I bet you are. I bet you’re rubbing your cock while I call you names. You want me to insult you some more, huh? You need to hear more humiliation from me, is that it? You just keep rubbing your dick. You’re not gonna get to fuck anyone with it. Every woman you have ever come across is better than you. The next time you’re in the presence of a lady, I want you to treat her with the respect she deserves. I want you to say “yes ma’am” when she asks you to do something. I want you to say “thank you ma’am” if she shows you the slightest kindness. It’s a privilege to be in her presence and I expect you to act like it. Are you still rubbing your cock? You want me to let you cum? …Well you haven’t been given permission to cum. You really shouldn’t be allowed to cum at all. You’re a filthy little worm and you deserve to be treated like one. No… I’m not letting you cum. Not tonight. I want you to stop rubbing your cock… right now! This little session of ours is over.

Fotografii și videoclipuri sexy cu AbbyMora

Multe dintre fotografiile de mai jos au fost făcute chiar pe parcursul și în timpul showurilor sexy, în direct prin webcam, cu AbbyMora
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AbbyMora - Orar de prezență

Acest orar de prezență vă indică cu titlu informativ când puteți întâlni virtual pe **AbbyMora*, pe site-ul La voix du X. Datele aferente sunt calculate automat în funcție de prezentța sa online din ultimile 45 zile și de durata publicării efective a camerei performerului AbbyMora.
AbbyMora nu a afișat niciun orar de prezență
AbbyMora nu s-a conectat de ceva timp, deci nu vă putem oferi un program de prezență fiabil.

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Femei tinere / Negru , Femei tinere / Sâni mici , Femei tinere / Ras , Femei tinere / Medie , Femei tinere / Latină , Latină / Sâni mici

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